Therefore, last summer, it was rather difficult pinning down these folk for interviews.
However; with the warm months now faded in the distance, a new crop of interviews has come into the fold.
Keen on getting the fall started on a productive note, we here at Whats On Your Mind Bill present;
Marko Marulic, Croatian National Poet, and one of the Fathers of modern Psychology!
So, Marko, Whats on Your Mind?
MM: Well, I have recently been rather active in the struggles of my people, against the Ottoman Turks. I have besieged Pope Alexander the VI with letters, however that louse will not hear my pleas, as he is too busy eating Hams, and sullying knaves.
WOYMB: Interesting. That Pope seems cool. Anyhoo, what else have you been up to?
MM: Well, one of my master works, Evanglistarium, outlining my thoughts on a concise discourse of ethical principles, has been taking up quite a bit of my time, quite frankly.
WOYMB: Sounds enthralling...So, why do you have such a long head? I feel as though I could surf on that motherfucker, you know? I could, like, open up a Mandarin buffet on your forehead, alone.
MM: Pardon?
WOYMB: Ya dude, you could totally pull off Bert for Halloween, you'd just need to find one of your homeboys, with a super round face, to be Ernie, and you'd be laughin'!
MM: Are you insulting my physical appearance?
WOYMB: Well, I wouldn't call it an insult. Its just kind of a literal observation - your head is long as fuck.
MM: No. I take that as an insult. I am offended.
WOYMB: It looks like an Eggplant. I'm totally transfixed! Longest head in the league, Marko.
MM: You sir, are worse than the Ottoman Turks.
WOYMB: I want to start a Long Head Hall of Fame, and I want you to be in it.
MM: Leave me, and my long head, to my studies.