We are in tears of joy! Our tattered rags, and cardboard flooring rendered damp from happiness - and its all thanks to you, readers! Lets get to it then, shall we;
This installment features Activist, Intellectual, Writer, and 7th President of Argentina, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento!
So Domingo, whats on your mind?
DFS: I have lost Chorizo! My heart is shattered.
WOYMB: Dude, that sucks? Did it fall in the grooves of the 'Q or something? Happens alllll the time, and its always the best looking piece, eh?
DFS: No you fool! Chorizo is my Dog - my Dachshund! My poor Chorizo is gone - slipped out of the back gate, in the cool night air - and I am weeping for him today, sir.
WOYMB: So you didn't lose any pork then? Man, that's a relief! You had me going there!
DFS: You are more concerned with a tube of meat, that an actual Dog? You are not a good person.
WOYMB: Well, the Dog is kinda like a tube of meat anyway, right? When you think about it....
DFS: I am not happy with you.
WOYMB: ...And plus, I wouldn't even worry too much about it - if he slipped out of your back gate, its pretty wild out there, and I'm sure he was eaten pretty quick by Wolves, you know?
DFS: You are either a terrible person, or extremely stupid.
WOYMB: So listen, have you got any sausage? I'm famished!!!
DFS [begins to weep]
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