So, Whats on your mind Skanderbeg?
GKS: I am forlorn.
WOYMB: Ya, I couldn't help but notice. You look so sad, Skandy. Do you want some Peek Freans?
GKS: Sure. Do you have anymore of the round ones with the red stuff in the middle?
WOYMB: Shit. Sorry skandy, I already gorfed those all up, before you popped in. My bad.
GKS: Ugh, could my life get any fucking worse?
WOYMB: Its just a cookie, Skando.
GKS: Yes, but, that lack of cookie, combined with my recent poor fortune, puts me in a heavy wallowing state.
WOYMB: Recent poor fortune, eh? Ya, again, you do like kind of sad. What happened Skanderson?
GKS: My washing machine tore up my favourite pair of underwear.
WOYMB: Damn, dude, that blows.
GKS: Yes. You know the ones that you wear on a hot date, or to a wedding or some shit like that? Your number one, go to's in the rotation?
WOYMB: Ya man, that must be a tough loss, for you on a very personal level.
GKS: I have had seven wives slain by my own hand, and the hands of various enemies. The underwear loss crushes those. And to top it all off, its super hot here! Sitting on a plastic chair for more than 10 minutes? Ya right, pal. You might as well pour a glass of water on the ass region of my robe. My fucking swagger is gone. I cant even look people in the eyes. They were so Goddamed comfortable. Reliable too; like a good serf. I have shit stains on my robe now, too! Not a friggin' thing I can do about THAT I tell ya!
WOYMB: Well, I really feel for you on this one Skriggly Skroaty Skanderson. You're in a dark place, garment-wise.
GKS: Tell me about it....
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