So Viktor, whats on your mind?
VK: I am imaging a Universe, in which Banana's taste like Cheeseburgers, and the possession of these items will make you irresistible to the females, whom are equip with 3 vaginal openings.
WOYMB: Holy shit - What?
VK: I am sure that this exists - look...
WOYMB: Viktor, these are just scribbles on a napkin, and in the corner here it says 'creamed corn'. What the hell is going on here, dude?
VK: I have a space ship, you know? It features rockets, and lasers. I am having my comrade Bogdan install a special Space-Jukebox, so as to rock to my Compact Disc of Bad for Good: The Very Best of Scorpions. In space I will listen to 'No One Like You', and on Planet Zertroid I will cry into a bowl, while listening to 'Winds of Change'. I will be Emperor of Zertroid, as you are well aware.
WOYMB: I feel like you're a little over my head, here Vik...
VK: No fear, comrade. On Zertroid, you will have a special crevasse in which to fondle your body, and Zertroid fems will soothe you with their openings...But first I must inject you with this serum.
WOYMB: No injections for me, thanks. In fact, I think I should probably be heading out now...
VK: Insert your body into mine, and begin an adventure untold by Hollywood Minds.
WOYMB: Goodbye.